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History of the publications published by the Faculty of Materials Science of the University of Miskolc


The publication series of our faculty presents some of the scientific activities of the Faculty of Materials Science. The publication series is a direct continuation of the "PUBLICATIONS" series of the University of Miskolc and its legal predecessors which have more than a 70-year history.

The first volume was published in 1929 with the title of "PUBLICATIONS of the Mining and Metallurgical Department of the Hungarian Royal Mine Engineering and Forestry College of Sopron".

Between 1929 and 1972, 32 volumes were published which contained the research results of mining, metallurgy and later mechanical engineering in foreign language, in one volume. From 1972, the specialties were separated in the foreign language publications.

The publication of the “PUBLICATIONS” were published in Hungarian from 1957. Until 1975, 21 volumes of the publication of mining-metallurgical-mechanical engineering were issued in Hungarian language.

From 1975 onwards, the specialties issue separate volumes. In the PUBLICATIONS headline, our faculty received the title of II. series of Metallurgy. There were several booklets in one volume. Volumes 22 to 27 were published between 1975 and 1988. After a long break, the scientific journals were again published in Hungarian between 2000 and 2004 with the title of MATERIALS AND METALLURGY SCIENCES of the volumes 28-32. Volumes 33 to 42 were published in the form of a pamphlet in both English and Hungarian languages as a result of changes in the name of our faculty. The articles in this publication present the diversity of scientific activities of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the close relationship between different disciplines.

Some of our publications are now available which can be found in the list below.


Title of the journal (English)

Materials Science and Engineering

ISSN print


Website of thejournal
Periodicity 1 issue/ year
Assessment of articles double-blind peer



Articles demonstrating thevariety of the scientific research at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering and  the correlation between the various research fields are published in the journal. The articles of external researchers about materials sciences canalso be published.