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Guide for authors

Margin (with A4 papersize):

  • Leftmargin: 40 mm;
  • Right margin: 40 mm;
  • Top margin: 53 mm (includingheader);
  • Bottommargin: 55 mm (emptyfooter).


Submission Guideline:

  • font size: 10 pt; font style: Roman (Times New Roman - WinWord, Computer Modern Roman - LATEX, i.e. Scientific Word 2.5 or 3.0, etc.)
  • title: centred, boldface, 12 pt font size, capital letters
  • leave one blank line before the title of the article, and also one blank line after the title write the names of the authors (the address and e-mail address should be in a footnote, not in the footer)
  • the names of the authors should be written with capital letters (12 pt.)
  • use single line spacing
  • main titles: boldface, normal letters, 11 pt. (number of chapter, dot, space, name of the chapter; left aligned)
  • sub-titles: boldface, italic, normal letters, 10 pt. (number of chapter; dot; number of sub-chapter; dot; space; title of sub-chapter)
  • header: italic letters, 9 pt.
  • the figures should be in the middle of the page; the number and title are below the figure, centred, in 10pt. italic letters. 6 pt. spacing should be between the figure and the title, and 12 pt. between the figure title and the main text, and the figure and the main text
  • the tables should be in the middle of the page; the number and title are above the table, centred, in 10pt. italic letters. 6 pt. spacing should be between the table and the title, and 12 pt. between the table title and the main text, and the table and the main text
  • in case of multiple-paged tables, it should be clearly indicated
  • acknowledgement, index, references etc. in the end of the article with 9 pt. letters
  • references according to IEEE style
  • tabulator: 0,5


The authors’ names are followed by the abstract. After the abstract, a few keywords should be named.