Guide for authors
Margin (with A4 papersize):
Leftmargin: 40 mm;
Right margin: 40 mm;
Top margin: 53 mm (includingheader);
Bottommargin: 55 mm (emptyfooter).
Submission Guideline:
font size: 10 pt; font style: Roman (Times New Roman - WinWord, Computer Modern Roman - LATEX, i.e. Scientific Word 2.5 or 3.0, etc.)
title: centred, boldface, 12 pt font size, capital letters
leave one blank line before the title of the article, and also one blank line after the title write the names of the authors (the address and e-mail address should be in a footnote, not in the footer)
the names of the authors should be written with capital letters (12 pt.)
use single line spacing
main titles: boldface, normal letters, 11 pt. (number of chapter, dot, space, name of the chapter; left aligned)
sub-titles: boldface, italic, normal letters, 10 pt. (number of chapter; dot; number of sub-chapter; dot; space; title of sub-chapter)
header: italic letters, 9 pt.
the figures should be in the middle of the page; the number and title are below the figure, centred, in 10pt. italic letters. 6 pt. spacing should be between the figure and the title, and 12 pt. between the figure title and the main text, and the figure and the main text
the tables should be in the middle of the page; the number and title are above the table, centred, in 10pt. italic letters. 6 pt. spacing should be between the table and the title, and 12 pt. between the table title and the main text, and the table and the main text
in case of multiple-paged tables, it should be clearly indicated
acknowledgement, index, references etc. in the end of the article with 9 pt. letters
references according to IEEE style
tabulator: 0,5
The authors’ names are followed by the abstract. After the abstract, a few keywords should be named.